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Enterprise Solutions

We provide solutions to improve business competitiveness.

What We Do

We provide solutions to improve business competitiveness.

As the global data industry grows rapidly, there is an increase in value of basic technologies for collecting, transmitting, processing, and utilizing big data as well as core technologies in the fourth industry, including AI.

In addition, modern IT leads to the emergence of a variety of information devices and infrastructures, ranging from IoT, mobile, PC, and Cloud.
The traditional way of separately developing a user interface for each device or operating system environment cannot catch up with the current speed of many IT environments and service upgrades.
A web-based interface focusing on the cross platform is the only solution and compliance with web standards is becoming more and more important.

Under the circumstance that data and the web play a pivotal role in IT, we offer the MyData platform to provide stable MyData services, visual data-based business efficiency and automation platform, JavaScript source quality analysis solution for detection and correction of errors in the development stage to quickly and conveniently create documents according to the web standards.
Our highly qualified experts work hard for solution development, upgrades, and technical services to improve your business productivity.

  • MyData platform
    MyData platform
    We provide an integrated platform for all functions of personal credit information collection and information provision obligations to quickly prepare for MyData service business at a reasonable cost.
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  • Web editor solution
    Web editor solution
    We provide an HTML5-based document editor to conveniently create documents in various browser environments.
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  • Javascript code quality analysis
    Javascript code quality analysis
    We provide the latest ECMA standards, Vue.js, and React specialized rules for the most commonly used JavaScript languages in web development to improve code quality
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  • Visual data processing platform
    Visual data processing platform
    We provide the platform-based service that processes and analyzes visual data of architecture and semiconductors. Automation systems increase business productivity.
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